Publishing the history & culture

of Southeastern New England • Since 1981

Manuscript Submissions Guidelines

Thank you for expressing interest in publishing with Spinner Publications, Inc., an independent, nonprofit cultural organization whose purpose is to preserve and promote the history and culture of southeastern New England. Our aim is to show how people’s lives have impacted communities in the region, and to portray the culture as it is realized by members of the communities. We are interested in historical narratives, memoirs, photography, art, oral history, biography, poetry, fiction, children’s books, cookbooks and documents that tell stories of the people and culture of southeastern New England. Spinner aims to provide area artists and historians an opportunity to publish their work.

Your work is pertinent and will be considered if: 1) the subject meets our mission statement outlined above, or 2) you reside in the region.

Please review some of our other publications—active and out-of-print—before submitting a proposal.

If you feel that the subject of your work falls within our mission, please respond to the following “Submission Guidelines for Proposed Works.” You may send a sample chapter, excerpts, or a copy of the complete manuscript, which will not be returned.

Due to the volume of submissions received, we will not be confirming receipt of your submission. If we are interested in your manuscript, an editor will notify you via email within 14 days to discuss publishing possibilities. At that time, we may ask to review a complete copy of your manuscript. We ask that you be patient with the review process. Reviewing manuscripts and preparing work for publication is a tedious and sometimes lengthy process. If you do not hear from us within 14 days of submitting your manuscript, it's unlikely that we will be able to proceed with your project, and we encourage you to seek other publishers. Meanwhile, we may keep your submission on file in the hope that circumstances change and we’re able to reconsider publishing your work in the near future.

Submission Guidelines for Proposed Works

 Answer the questions in three pages or less

Complete Manuscript Submissions

If you wish to submit a complete manuscript, please follow these instructions. All your information is carefully guarded by the assignment editor and will be kept confidential.

If you email your document (preferred), send it as an attached file to your email message. The attached file (your book) should not exceed 1.5 megabytes; otherwise, break it into parts. Submit your manuscript in Adobe pdf format (viewable in Adobe Reader), or set in Times or Helvetica typeface and save it in a .doc (MS Word) or .rtf (rich text format) file format. Do not compress, “stuff,” or “zip” your file.

Your work is copyright protected and we will be handling your manuscript submission responsibly and with confidentiality. If we do not accept your book for publishing, we will clear your submission from our database and destroy any hard copy.

Although not necessary, you may place a copyright notice (© 2018, your first and last name) at the bottom of your last page. Should we accept your book for publishing, we will assist you in registering and filing your copyright with the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress if you have not already done so.

 Whether you send a query, proposal, excerpt, or entire manuscript, please include the following information: author’s name, book title, daytime phone, email address, physical address, and manuscript page count. Please state the categories that apply to your book. For example: Fiction, Non-fiction, Memoir, Biography, Academic, Local History, Labor History, Recovery, Children’s, Cookbook, Photography, Art, etc.